A Patient Facing Extreme Sweating Problems in Perth, WA

What Causes Excessive Sweating?

Many Australians suffer from excessive sweating, typically from their hands, underarms, face, and head. This is known as hyperhidrosis. There are many causes and irritants of this condition, as well as many methods for managing this frustrating condition.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the types of hyperhidrosis, their causes, and the solutions.

What Is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is sweating in excess of what is required for temperature regulation.

This condition has no set guidelines for diagnosis. Sweating is considered to be hyperhidrosis when it disrupts daily activities or causes social anxiety for the patient. There are two kinds of hyperhidrosis: primary and secondary.

Primary Hyperhidrosis

If there is no underlying medical cause for heavy sweating, it is called primary hyperhidrosis. This occurs when the sympathetic nervous system responsible for triggering innervating the sweat glands becomes overactive, creating more sweat than is needed to cool the body down. This condition may be hereditary and occurs in less than up to 3% of the population.

Most patients discover their primary hyperhidrosis as teenagers and the problem continues into adulthood, occasionally lessening in intensity with age.

Although the cause of this overactivity is yet to be identified, the problem has been isolated to a chain of nerves that rests over the 2nd and 3rd rib. This means it is possible for Perth Sweat Clinic to target and destroy the responsible nerves that trigger overactive sweating in specific areas.

Secondary Hyperhidrosis

If the sweating can be attributed to an underlying medical cause, it is considered secondary hyperhidrosis. A range of health problems can lead to excessive sweating, including fevers, heart attacks, leukemia, obesity, malaria, hyperthyroidism, and many more. Some medications, such as antidepressants, may cause sweating as a side effect.

If your sweating is accompanied by chills, chest pain, nausea, or a high body temperature, seek emergency medical assistance. If your sweating suddenly worsens or begins to affect your daily life, make an appointment with your GP and they can refer you to Perth Sweat Clinic.

Curing Primary Hyperhidrosis in the Hands, Underarms, and Head

Perth Sweat Clinic applies different treatments for sufferers of excessive sweating in individual areas of the body. We specialise in:

For more information on the causes and treatments of excessive sweating, speak to the team at Perth Sweat Clinic. We can assess, diagnose and treat your condition, making you comfortable and confident in your daily life. Call 1300 079 328 or contact us online.