A Guy in Perth, WA, is Experiencing Excessive Sweating in Some Parts of the Body

What Are the Sweatiest Parts of the Human Body?

Summer is a wonderful time of year in Australia as we rush to the beach and to backyard barbecues. But for Australians suffering from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), summer isn’t quite so fantastic.

Heat and exercise can heighten the effects of overactive sweat glands and make for uncomfortable days and nights. In this article, we’re discussing the areas of the body that are prone to high levels of frustrating sweat.

Sweating Is a Natural Part of Life

Humans need to sweat. It helps us clean our pores of dirt and bacteria, regulate our body temperature in hot weather, and fight off illnesses. Most people worry about sweating too much at some point, and the areas they complain about most include the:

  • Inner thighs
  • Small of the back
  • Upper lip
  • Feet
  • Armpits
  • Forehead
  • Back of the knee
  • Back of the neck
  • Hands

Feet Win the Sweat Sweeps

Interestingly, feet are usually the sweatiest part of the human body because each foot has approximately 250,000 sweat glands. They can produce up to half a litre of perspiration per day. Plus, they spend a lot of time wrapped in shoes and socks, increasing the amount of sweat they excrete.

The sweat glands in the above areas are the ones doing the most work when we really need them. However, many people suffer from hyperhidrosis in some of these areas, particularly the hands, armpits and head, and it can have a serious and negative affect on their daily lives.

What Is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is a frustrating condition where excessive sweating impacts a person’s social life, professionalism, and self-esteem. When the sweating isn’t associated with another condition, it is called primary hyperhidrosis and is usually prominent in the armpits, hands, head and face. Primary hyperhidrosis can be hereditary and affects a person from their teenage years into adulthood.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of many conditions, such as diabetes, leukemia and heart disease. In these cases, excessive sweating accompanied by dizziness or fever should be met with emergency medical assistance. This can be life-threatening if it goes untreated.

Curing Excessive Sweating at Perth Sweat Clinic

Perth Sweat Clinic offers a range of treatments for sufferers of excessive sweating in isolated areas of the body. We specialise in:

For more information on sweating in the human body, speak to the professionals at Perth Sweat Clinic. We can assess, diagnose and treat your condition, making you more comfortable in your daily life. Call 1300 079 328 or contact us online.