A Guy Experiencing Excessive Sweating in Perth, WA

How Much Sweat is Too Much?

Excessive sweating or Hyperhidrosis is sweating that is in excess of what is required for temperature regulation. Sweating during exercise or hot weather is physiological and is considered normal.

A diagnosis of this condition is made simply by the presence of persistent sweating from a problem area (head/face, palms or armpits) despite feeling cold or even shivering irrespective of the cold weather.

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A Patient Experiencing Excessive Sweating on the face in Perth, WA

What is the Impact of Hyperhidrosis on patients?

When patients with excessive sweating or Hyperhidrosis (Hand, Armpit, Face) are queried about the functional, psychological, and local impact of their condition, studies reveal a devastating effect on the quality of life. This impact is equivalent to other chronic conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Depression, or Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

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